Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Welcome to Voices In The Vineyard

My nàme is Mary Celeste Hanlon Castronuovo and I have much to say, and most certainly much more to learn. I am a woman of faith, a wife, mother, and an advocate for abused, abandoned, and neglected children. I have a Masters in Pastoral Studies through Loyola University, New Orleans. I have started this blog because I enjoy writing on faith related topics and I want to create a space where others can come, stretch their minds and hearts, and challenge me to do the same. Although I am Roman Catholic, in the past few years I have found little coming from the Catholic Hierarchy that matches the courageous breakthroughs of Vatican II, nor the Bishops's Pastoral Letters of the past. I therefore believe it is encumbent upon the Lay Faithful to speak truth in what have certainly become, dark ages in the Church.

I seek truth in other faith traditions, in science, and the arts. If you are a kindred spirit, and would like to join me on the journey, please visit often, and please also share your voice.

I leave you today with this. Jesus said that The Kingdom of God is within and among you. I recently blogged that I see the Kingdom Of God each and ever day, although very rarely within the leadership of my own Faith Tradition. I pray everyday that they will recognize God's hand in the
ongoing evoultion of humanity that manifests itself daily in the voices of those crying for nonviolent revolutuon, whether in their country, their faith traditions, or in their daily encounters with their fellow human being.

1 comment:

  1. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2017130285_howell31m.html#.Tv9Q7eg_ZPg.facebook

    An excellent article I wanted to share.
